
The Foundation of the Metaphysics in Plato’s Philosophy

Project Director dr. sc. Damir Barbarić

The project, which is partially a continuation of the Coordinator’s previous project «Teaching on Principles in Late Plato’s Philosophy» (See: Barbarić, D. (Hrsg.): Platon ueber das Gute und die Gerechtigkeit Wuerzburg 2005.) has been conceived in such a way as to research primarily the systematic-metaphysical organization of the entire Plato’s philosophy, and then also its role in the foundation of European metaphyisics. Within a constant critical consideration of theses of the most significant contemporary so called Tuebingen interpretation of Plato, built upon indirect reports on Plato’s systematic «unwritten teaching» – Plato’s overall work shall also be investigated and interpreted , both in gradual steps of analyzing each one among his major dialogues, as well as through a synoptic interpretation of all central topics of Plato’s philosophy, such as, for instance a) the idea of good as an unhypotetical principle, b) the principle of unlimited, i.e. undetermined duality, c) matter, i.e. space, as the basis of (his) late cosmology, d) teaching on universal movement and (world) soul as its source, e) difference between ideas and sensible things, f) the «system» of highest species as the origin of all further metaphysical ontology, logic, and grammar, g) teaching on the origin and essence of language, h) significance of myth for Plato and the meaning of his art critique, i) peculiarities of Plato’s «cosmic» theology, j) the essence of justice and the best political organization, etc. Apart from its Coordinator, the project would involve six associates from Croatia and eleven from abroad (Tuebingen, Freiburg, Innsbruck, Muenchen, Prague, Wuerzburg, Pisa, Madrid, Passau, Landau, Erlangen). In a number of working meetings and colloquia, as well as broader gatherings and conferences, the research results would be offered for a qualified critical discussion among the competent European and world’s researchers of Plato, Greek philosophy, and philosophy in general. The project goals also include completion and publishing of the translation, as well as philological and philosophical comment of «Timaeus»; translation, as well as philological and philosophical comment of «Teaetetus» and of the 10th book of «Laws»; publishing in German of a monograph on the issue of matter in Plato, as well as of a number of papers, articles and monographs on individual topics of the project, and at least one Collection of Papers with final research results.

Project assistants:
Damir Barbarić
Branko Despot
Stjepan Kušar
Davor Ljubimir
Igor Mikecin
Dimitrije Savić
Ivan Stublić
Petar Šegedin

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