
Pursuant to Article 34 of the Act on Higher Education and Scientific Activity (Official Gazette No. 119/22) and Article 30 of the Statute of the Institute of Philosophy, the Scientific Council of the Institute of Philosophy, at its 8th session held on July 22, 2024, enacted the


I. General Provisions

Article 1

This Regulation establishes additional criteria for selecting candidates to scientific positions at the Institute of Philosophy (hereinafter: the Institute).

Article 2

The procedure for selecting candidates to scientific positions is governed by the Act on Higher Education and Scientific Activity and the Statute of the Institute.

Article 3

Terms and expressions used in this Regulation that have gender meaning apply equally to both genders.

Article 4

1) Scientists are employed in open scientific positions through a procedure initiated by a public competition.
2) The decision to commence the public competition referred to in paragraph 1 of this article is made by the Scientific Council. An integral part of the decision to commence the public competition includes the decision to appoint an expert committee.
3) The expert committee referred to in paragraph 2 of this Article consists of at least three members employed in a position of a hierarchical level higher or identical to the position for which the selection is being conducted, in the same scientific field and area. At least one member of the expert committee must be employed at another scientific institute or higher education institution.
4) The public competition for the selection to open scientific positions is published in the Official Gazette, on the Institute’s website and on the European Research Area job portal.
5) The competition for open scientific positions is initiated in accordance with the obtained approval of the Ministry of Science, Education and Youth if the position is financed from the State Budget, and in accordance with the Regulation on the Internal Organization of the Institute and the Organization of Work Positions.
6) The Institute may finance positions from funds earned from other sources.
7) Candidates must submit a written application with the following documents:

  • Curriculum vitae with a description of previous scientific work,
  • List of published scientific works,
  • Proof of a doctoral degree,
  • Proof of meeting the National University, Scientific and Artistic Criteria for selection to a scientific position,
  • Proof of meeting the additional criteria for selection to scientific positions at the Institute of Philosophy,
  • At least three scientific works published or accepted for publication in the last five years,
  • Motivation letter, and
  • Five-year work plan including a plan for researching Croatian philosophy.

8) Additional documents may be requested as needed.
9) Application documents are submitted electronically and must be available to all members of the Institute’s Scientific Council.
10) The expert committee will consider only complete and timely applications.
11) As part of the selection procedure, the expert committee conducts interviews with shortlisted candidates.
12) The expert committee may conduct the interview with the shortlisted candidates in person, via electronic means or in hybrid format. The decision on the mode of conducting the interview is made by the expert committee.
13) All employees of the Institute in scientific positions have the right to attend the interview.
14) The shortlisted candidates are required to give a half-hour presentation before the Scientific Council of the Institute on a topic related to their current research and to present their work plan for the next five years.
15) The expert committee assesses whether the candidates meet the legal criteria, the National University, Scientific and Artistic Criteria, and the additional criteria described in Articles 8-13 of this Regulation, and with a reasoned written report, which contains an assessment of all applicants, proposes the best candidate to the Scientific Council no later than 30 days from the application deadline.
16) The report is invalid if not signed by all expert committee members.
17) The Scientific Council makes a decision on the acceptance or rejection of the report of the expert committee within 30 days from the date of receiving the expert committee’s report. The decision to reject the report of the expert committee must be reasoned.
18) If the Scientific Council rejects the expert committee’s report, the competition is annulled.
19) If the competition for the same position is repeated, the composition of the expert committee must be different to that of the previous expert committee.

Article 5

1) Scientists who believe that they meet the criteria for selection to a higher scientific position are obliged to submit a request for selection to a higher scientific position before the expiry of the term for which they were selected or re-selected.
2) The procedure for selection to a higher scientific position is initiated by a decision of the Scientific Council after the expiry of the term for which the scientist was selected or re-selected. An integral part of the decision to initiate the procedure for selecting a scientist to a higher scientific position is the decision to appoint an expert committee.
3) The expert committee referred to in paragraph 2 of this Article consists of at least three members employed in a position of a hierarchical level higher or identical to the position for which the selection is being conducted, in the same scientific field and area. At least one member of the expert committee must be employed at another scientific institute or higher education institution.
4) The scientist is obliged to electronically submit evidence of meeting the criteria for selection to a higher scientific position, no later than 15 days from the initiation of the selection procedure. This evidence includes:

  • Curriculum vitae with a description of previous scientific work,
  • List of published scientific works,
  • Proof of meeting the National University, Scientific and Artistic Criteria for selection to a scientific position,
  • Proof of meeting the additional criteria for selection to scientific positions at the Institute,
  • At least three scientific works published or accepted for publication in the last five years, and
  • Five-year work plan including a plan for researching Croatian philosophy.

5) The expert committee referred to in paragraph 2 of this Article assesses whether the scientist meets the legal criteria, the National University, Scientific and Artistic Criteria, and the additional criteria described in Articles 8-14 of this Regulation, and submits a reasoned written report to the Scientific Council on meeting the criteria for selection to a higher scientific position no later than 30 days from the date of receiving the evidence on meeting said criteria.
6) The expert committee will consider only complete and timely applications.
7) The report is invalid if not signed by all expert committee members.
8) The Scientific Council makes a decision on the acceptance or rejection of the report of the expert committee within 30 days from the date of receiving the expert committee’s report. The decision to reject the report of the expert committee must be reasoned.
9) If the Scientific Council rejects the expert committee’s report, the competition is annulled.
10) If the competition for the same position is repeated, the composition of the expert committee must be different to that of the previous expert committee.

II. Criteria for Selection to Scientific Positions

Article 6

The scientific positions are:

  • Research Associate,
  • Senior Research Associate,
  • Senior Research Fellow, and
  • Senior Research Fellow Appointed to Permanent Grade.

Article 7

A person who has the appropriate level of education in a scientific field and area, meets the National Criteria for Selection to Scientific-Teaching, Artistic-Teaching, Scientific, and Teaching Positions at universities and scientific institutes, and meets the additional criteria described in Articles 8-14 of this Regulation, and is entered into the Register of Scientists and Artists, can be employed in a scientific position.

Article 8

Additional criteria for the scientific position of Research Associate are:
1. At least two scientific articles published or accepted for publication in scientific journals indexed in the Web of Science and/or Scopus databases, at least one of which is published in a foreign journal, or two book chapters or one authored book published by the publishers listed in Annex 2 of the Regulation on Awards for Scientific Excellence at the Institute of Philosophy
2. At least two works published or accepted for publication researching Croatian philosophy or a defended doctoral dissertation in that area.

Article 9

Additional criteria for the scientific position of Senior Research Associate are:
1. At least twelve scientific works published or accepted for publication, of which at least six are published in publications indexed in the Web of Science or Scopus databases or by the publishers listed in Annex 2 of the Regulation on Awards for Scientific Excellence at the Institute of Philosophy,
2. At least sixteen scientific works published or accepted for publication, of which at least nine are published in publications indexed in the Web of Science or Scopus databases or by the publishers listed in Article 12 of the Regulation on Awards for Scientific Excellence at the Institute of Philosophy,
3. Since the previous selection to a scientific position, at least two scientific articles published or accepted for publication in scientific journals or two book chapters or one edited or authored book on a topic in Croatian philosophy,
4. One application, as the principal investigator, for a domestic or international project (regardless of the outcome) or participation in at least two applications, as a collaborator, for a domestic or international project (regardless of the outcome),
5. At least two scientific colloquia held at the Institute since the last selection to a higher position or re-selection, and
6. Participation in the work of at least two committees, working bodies or organizing committees of scientific conferences or summer schools at the Institute since the last selection to a higher position or re-selection.

For selection to a higher position, criteria 1, 3, 4, 5 and 6 are mandatory, and for selection to an open position, criteria 2 and 4 are mandatory.

Article 10

Additional criteria for the scientific position of Senior Research Fellow are:
1. At least twenty-four scientific works published or accepted for publication, of which at least twelve are published in publications indexed in the Web of Science or Scopus databases or by the publishers listed in Annex 2 of the Regulation on Awards for Scientific Excellence at the Institute of Philosophy,
2. At least thirty scientific works published or accepted for publication, of which at least twenty are published in publications indexed in the Web of Science or Scopus databases or by the publishers listed in Article 12 of the Regulation on Awards for Scientific Excellence at the Institute of Philosophy,
3. Since the previous selection to a scientific position, at least two scientific articles published or accepted for publication in scientific journals or two book chapters or one edited or authored book on a topic in Croatian philosophy,
4. One application, as the principal investigator, for a domestic or international project (regardless of the outcome) or participation in at least two applications, as a collaborator, for a domestic or international project (regardless of the outcome),
5. At least two scientific colloquia held at the Institute since the last selection to a higher position or re-selection, and
6. Participation in the work of at least two committees, working bodies or organizing committees of scientific conferences or summer schools at the Institute since the last selection to a higher position or re-selection.

For selection to a higher position, criteria 1, 3, 4, 5 and 6 are mandatory, and for selection to an open position, criteria 2 and 4 are mandatory.

Article 11

Additional criteria for the scientific position of Senior Research Fellow Appointed to Permanent Grade are:
1. At least thirty-six scientific works published or accepted for publication, of which at least eighteen are published in publications indexed in the Web of Science or Scopus databases or by the publishers listed in Article 12 of the Regulation on Awards for Scientific Excellence at the Institute of Philosophy,
2. At least forty scientific works published or accepted for publication, of which at least thirty are published in publications indexed in the Web of Science or Scopus databases or by the publishers listed in Article 12 of the Regulation on Awards for Scientific Excellence at the Institute of Philosophy,
3. Since the previous selection to a scientific position, at least two scientific articles published or accepted for publication in scientific journals or two book chapters or one edited or authored book on a topic in Croatian philosophy,
4. Leading a domestic scientific project or applying, as the principal investigator, for an international project (regardless of the outcome),
5. At least two scientific colloquia held at the Institute since the last selection to a higher position or re-selection, and
6. Participation in the work of at least two committees, working bodies or organizing committees of scientific conferences or summer schools at the Institute since the last selection to a higher position or re-selection.

For selection to a higher position, criteria 1, 3, 4, 5 and 6 are mandatory, and for selection to an open position, criteria 2 and 4 are mandatory.

Article 12

1) Scientific works are works published in scientific journals and scientific books, and are categorized as original scientific papers, review papers and preliminary communications.
2) Works can be substituted according to the following criteria:
1. Four scientific papers can be substituted with one scientific monograph, where a scientific monograph is understood as an authored book with a share of at least 70% of previously unpublished material,
2. One scientific paper can be substituted with one edited book,
3. One scientific paper can be substituted with the translation of one scientific book,
4. Two scientific papers can be substituted with the translation of one book from the classical languages.

Article 13

In addition to the criteria described in Articles 8-12 of this Regulation, candidates for selection to a higher and open position must also meet the following criteria:

  • For the position of Research Associate, 5 points are required,
  • For the position of Senior Research Associate, 25 points are required,
  • For the position of Senior Research Fellow, 45 points are required, and
  • For the position of Senior Research Fellow Appointed to Permanent Grade, 65 points are required.

Article 14

Points are earned through the following activities:
1. Published professional paper (0.5 points for work in a domestic publication, 0.75 points for work in a foreign publication),
2. Published edited book by a publisher not listed in Annex 2 of the Regulation on Awards for Scientific Excellence at the Institute of Philosophy or editions of which are not included in the Web of Science and/or Scopus databases (editor’s texts in the edited book are not scored separately) (2 points per book),
3. Published edited book by a publisher listed in Annex 2 of the Regulation on Awards for Scientific Excellence at the Institute of Philosophy or editions of which are included in the Web of Science and/or Scopus databases (editor’s texts in the edited book are not scored separately) (4 points per book),
4. Presentation at a scientific conference (0.5 points for presentation at a domestic scientific conference, 1 point for a plenary presentation, 1 point for presentation at an international conference in the Republic of Croatia with at least half of the presenters from abroad, 1.5 points for a plenary presentation, 1.5 points for presentation at a scientific conference abroad, 2 points for a plenary presentation, the maximum possible number of points is 15),
5. Publishing and participating in events aimed at popularizing science or the work of the Institute of Philosophy (0.5 points per participation or publication),
6. Scholarly training at foreign universities or scientific institutions (5 points for training for 3 months or more (continuously or intermittently), 3 points for training from 1 to 3 months (continuously or intermittently), 1 point for training for the duration of 1 month, the maximum possible number of points is 15),
7. Giving individual lectures at foreign universities or foreign scientific institutions (1 point per lecture),
8. Editorship or membership in the editorial board of a scientific journal or book series (3 points for the position of editor-in-chief of a foreign journal or book series, 2 points for the position of editor-in-chief of a domestic journal or book series, 1 point for membership in the editorial board of a foreign scientific journal or book series, 0.5 points for membership in the editorial board of a domestic scientific journal or book series),
9. Serving as the editor-in-chief or managing editor of Prilozi za istraživanje hrvatske filozofske baštine and Croatian Journal of Philosophy (3 points for serving as editor-in-chief, 2 points for serving as managing editor),
10. Teaching in the system of higher education or participating in scientific research at another institution (1 point per course, the maximum possible number of points is 5),
11. Mentoring doctoral students or assistants (2 points per mentorship, the maximum possible number of points is 10),
12. Participating in committees for theses defenses for the acquisition of academic and scientific degrees (0.5 points per committee),
13. Holding positions in national scientific institutions and bodies responsible for the development, implementation and monitoring of regulations related to the system of science and higher education (3 points per leading position, 1 point per membership),
14. Reviewing manuscripts of scientific papers for journals or books (0.5 points per review of a manuscript for a domestic journal, 0.75 points per review of a manuscript of a domestic book, 0.75 points per review of a manuscript for a foreign journal, 1 point per review of a manuscript of a foreign book),
15. Reviewing foreign scientific research projects or higher education programs (1 point per review), and
16. Award for scientific work granted by a domestic or foreign scientific or higher education institution (2 points).

III. Transitional and Final Provisions

Article 15

All procedures for the selection to scientific positions initiated before this Regulation entered into force shall be carried out in accordance with the rules that were in force at the time of initiating said procedures.

Article 16

This Regulation shall enter into force on the day of its publication on the Institute’s website.

Upon the entry into force of this Regulation, the Regulation on Additional Criteria for Selection to Scientific Positions at the Institute of Philosophy, Class: 644-03/21-01/01, Reg. No.: 380-01-02-21-10 of May 3, 2021, Class: 644-03/23-01/01, Reg. No.: 380-01-02-23-56 of April 7, 2023, shall cease to be valid.

Luka Boršić, Ph.D.
Director of the Institute of Philosophy

Pavel Gregorić, Ph.D.
President of the Scientific Council of the Institute of Philosophy