
Dr. Damir Barbarić / CV

Damir Barbarić was born in 1952 in Zagreb, where he finished primary and high school. In 1975, graduated from the Zagreb University Faculty of Arts (philosophy and sociology) and majored in theoretical political science from the Faculty of Political Sciences at the same University. He was also studying, as single major, classical philology at the Faculty of Arts. Doctor’s thesis won in 1982 at the Faculty of Political Sciences on the subject of Plato’s Laws as a Philosophical Grounding of Politics. Since 1979 he is employed at the Institute of Philosophy in Zagreb; as of 1992 as scientific advisor. Since 1 January 2019 retired. From 2021, by the decision of the Scientific Council of the Institute of Philosophy, he holds the honorary title of Honored Scientist. From 1989 to 1991 he was the Head of the Institute of Philosophy, and from 2000-2004 has acted as Chairman of the Institutes Steering Council. He founded and from 1992-1994 acted as Head of the Matica hrvatska Philosophy Department. He founded and has from 2001-2004 been the Chairman of the Association for the Advancement of Philosophy.
Since 1981, he has been a member of the Prilozi za istraživanje hrvatske filozofske baštine journal Editorial Board (Zagreb). From 1983-1991 he was the Co-editor of the Godišnjak za povijest filozofije journal (Zagreb). From 1989-1993 he was a member of the Filozofska istraživanja journal Editorial Board (Zagreb). In 1991 he was the Editor-in-Chief of the Studia historiae philosophiae croaticae journal (Zagreb). Since 1993, he was a member of the Phainomena journal Council (Ljubljana). Since 2001, member of the Internationales Jahrbuch für Hermeneutik yearbook Editorial Board (Mohr Siebeck: Tübingen). From 2002-2010 member of the Prolegomena journal Council (Zagreb). Since 2002, Co-editor of the Denkwege biannual journal (Attempto: Tubingen). Since 2004, member of the Heidegger-Jahrbuch yearbook Editorial Board (Karl Alber: Freiburg i. Br.). Since 2005, member of the Editorial Board for the Edition of Complete Works of Eugen Fink (Karl Alber: Freiburg i. Br.). Since 2008, member of the Theoria journal Council (Pisa). Since 2009, Co-editor of the book series Heidegger Forum (Vittorio Klostermann: Frankfurt am Main). Since 2011, member of the Editorial Board of the book series Libri nigri and Libri virides (Traugott Bautz: Nordhausen). Since 2012, member of the Characteristica universalis journal Editorial Board (Ciudad de Mendosa, Argentina). Since 2013, member of the Thaumazein journal Scientific Board (Verona, Italy). Since 2017, member of the Scientific Council of Schriftenreihe der Martin-Heidegger-Gesellschaft (Karl Alber: Freiburg i. Br.). Since 2019, member of the executive committee of the journal Annuario filosofico (Mursia: Milan, Italy). Since 2023, member of the Scientific Council of the journal Questiones de filosofia. Rivista de la Escuela de Filosofía y Humanidades (Colombia). Since 2023, member of the International board at Centro di ricerca per gli studi di estetica Almaesthetics (Bologna, Italy).
Since 1989 he is a member, and since 1996 member of the Council of the Internationale Schelling-Gesellschaft. Since 1990, he was member of the Internationale Hegel-Vereinigung, since 1991 member of the Internationale Gesellschaft System der Philosophie, since 1992, member of the Kant-Gesellschaft, since 1999 member of the Internationale Johann-Gottlieb-Fichte-Gesellschaft, since 2002 member of the Gesellschaft für antike Philosophie, since 2004, member of the Martin-Heidegger-Gesellschaft. Since 2003, he is honourable member of the Slovenian Philosophical Society, since 2007, honourable member of the Sokratische Gesellschaft. Since 2018 associated member of Eugen-Fink-Zentrum Wuppertal. From 2021, honorary professor (professor honoris causa) at the International Institute for Hermeneutics. In 2008 he was awarded by Matica hrvatska with the Golden charter for extraordinary merits. From 2014 to 2018 Vice President Matica hrvatska. In 2018 winner of the “Zvane Črnja” award for Best Croatian essay book.
Shorter scientific research stays at Oxford (1980); in Padua (1982), Bologna (1987), Munich (1988), Vienna (1991), Tubingen (1993 and onwards), Rostock (1999). Guest philosophy professor at the University in Vienna (1992/93), guest philosophy professor at the University in Freiburg i. Br. (2004), guest philosophy professor at the Humboldt University in Berlin (2005), guest researcher at the University in Tubingen (1994), guest researcher at the Bavarian Academy of the Science in Munich (2006). Lectured as invited speaker at the Universities of Ljubljana, Vienna, Prague, Padua, Braunschweig, Tubingen, Innsbruck, Rostock, Freiburg i. Br., Berlin, Basel, Budapest, Gottingen, Sarajevo, Jena, Munich, Tokyo, Pisa, Hamburg, Dresden.
From 1993-1995, director of the international interdisciplinary project Ambivalenz des fin de siècle: Wien Zagreb for the needs of the Ministry of Science of the Republic of Austria. From 1993 to 2000, at the Interuniversity Centre of Postgraduate Studies in Dubrovnik, course director of the Philosophie des Idealismus course, since 1994 to 2002 of the Hermeneutik der Moderne course, since 2000 to 2003 and again since 2007 of the Transzendentale Philosophie course. From 1996-2001, he was conducting postgraduate studies for doctors degree in philosophy at the Internationales Zentrum für wissenschaftliche Zusammenarbeit of the University in Tubingen. Since 1997, he has been lecturing history of philosophy at the Department of Philosophy of the Zagreb University Croatian Studies. Since 2003 to 2006 he was a leader of the Postgraduate Studies in Philosophy at the same Department. Since 2008 he is a full professor of philosophy at the University of Zagreb.
He has published 32 books as author and 23 books as editor in both Croatia and abroad, with over 290 original papers, studies and reviews in both local and international periodicals and in various collections of papers. He has also published 45 books of another author and translations. He participated at around 200 local and foreign philosophical congresses and gatherings. His papers were translated into German, Slovenian, English, Italian, French, Bohemian, Hungarian, Japanese, Russian and Spain. He translated books and selected texts from German, Ancient Greek, and Latin.