dr. sc. Mladen Domazet / bibliografija
Popis objavljenih znanstvenih radova
(i) Monografije
- Brajdić Vuković, M., Ančić, B., & Domazet, M. (2014) Podrška: trajni učinak ili poticajni trenutak? Društveni i gospodarski učinci Nacionalne zaklade za razvoj civilnoga društva. Zagreb, Nacionalna zaklada za razvoj civilnog društva.
- Domazet, M. (2012) Alice Returns from Wonderland: Ontological Frameworks for Explanation from Contemporary Quantum Theories. Zagreb, Kruzak.
- Domazet, M., Dolenec, D. & Ančić, B. (2012) We Need to Change: Mapping Croatia’s potential for sustainable development. Zagreb, Heinrich Boell Stiftung.
- Domazet, M., Dumitru, D., Jurko, L. & Peterson, K. (2012) Civil rights and obligations are connected to environmental issues in the curricula?: A comparative analysis of education for sustainability content in 9 European countries. Zagreb, Network of Education Policy Centers.
(ii) Uredničke knjige
- Domazet, M. (ur.) (2017) Ecology and Justice: Contributions from the margins. Zagreb, Institut za političku ekologiju.
- Domazet, M. & Marinović Jerolimov, D. (ur.) (2014) Sustainability Perspectives from the European Semi-periphery. Zagreb, Institut za društvena istraživanja u Zagrebu, Heinrich Boell Stiftung Hrvatska.
(iii) Izvorni znanstveni članci i pregledni radovi u znanstvenim časopisima
- Jehlička, P., Ančić, B., Danek, P. & Domazet, M. (2021) Beyond hardship and joy: Framing home gardening on insights from the European semi-periphery. Geoforum, 126, 150-158 doi:10.1016/j.geoforum.2021.05.018.
- Brajdić Vuković, M., Ančić, B. & Domazet, M. (2020) Values Underpinning a Degrowth Transformation of the Socio-Political System. Traditiones – Inštitut za slovensko narodopisje, Ljubljana, 49 (1), 141-158.
- Domazet, M. (2019) Degrowth-compatible Common Senses in Croatia. Südosteuropa Mitteilungen, 59 (5-6), 158-168.
- Ančić, B., Domazet, M. & Župarić-Iljić, D. (2019) “For my health and for my friends”: Exploring motivation, sharing, environmentalism, resilience and class structure of food self- provisioning. Geoforum, 106, 68-77.
- Domazet, M. & Ančić, B. (2019) “Complementarity between the EJ Movement and Degrowth on the European Semiperiphery: An Empirical Study.” Ecological Economics 157(March 2018):120-28.
- Kruger, O., Domazet, M. & Dolenec, D. (2016) Rejecting the Post-Political Response to Climate Change: Introducing the European Egalitarian Environmentalist. Socijalna ekologija, 25 (1-2), 167-188.
- Ančić, B., Puđak, J. & Domazet, M. (2016) “Vidimo li klimatske promjene u Hrvatskoj? Istraživanje stavova o nekim od aspekata klimatskih promjena u Hrvatskom društvu.” Hrvatski Meteorološki Časopis 51(51):27-45.
- Ančić, B. & Domazet, M. (2015) “Potential for Degrowth: Attitudes and Behaviours across 18 European Countries.” Teorija in Praksa 52(3):456-75.
- Domazet, M., Dolenec, D., Cvijanović, V., Tomašević, T., Walton, J., Doolan, K. & Žitko, M. (2014) Treba nam promjena. Ideje rasta i razvoja u doba krize fosilne energije i kapitalizma, Etnološka tribina: godišnjak Hrvatskog etnološkog društva, 44 (37), 37-71.
- Domazet, M., Baranović, B. & Matić, J. (2013) Mathematics Competence and International Mathematics Testing: Croatian Starting Point. Sociologija i prostor, 51 (195(1)), 109-131.
- Domazet, M. (2011) A Law-Constitutive Explanation of Fundamental Material Objects and “Bodies that Surround Us”. Prolegomena, 10 (1), 67-85.
- Domazet, M. (2009). Društvena očekivanja i znanstveno kompetentni učenici, Sociologija i prostor 184/2, 165-186.
- Domazet, M. (2009). On What Value, My Lord? How Values Intervene in Hard Legal Cases, Balkan Journal of Philosophy 1/2: 125-130.
- Domazet, M. (2008). Cartesian Primary Qualities in Light of Some Contemporary Physical Explanations, Prolegomena 7/1, 21-35.
- Domazet, M. (2008). Feeling in Private: Rationality of Emotions and Social Conditioning, Croatian Journal of Philosophy 8/1, 129-140.
- Domazet, M. (2007). Exploring the Environment: Natural Sciences in the Compulsory Education Curriculum, Metodika 8/2, 511-530.
- Doolan, K. & Domazet, M. (2007). Political education in Croatian Secondary Schools: an emergency reaction to a chaotic context, Research in Comparative and International Education 2/3, 210-221.
- Domazet, M. (2006). Hard Knowledge, Soft Values, Sociologija sela 44/4, 505-524.
- Domazet, M. (2006). Einsteinova sinkronizacija i konvencionalnost simultanosti, Prolegomena 5/1, 53-64.
- Domazet, M. (2006). Philosophy of science in action, Prolegomena 5/2, 221-246.
- Zlatić, V., Božičević, M., Štefanić, H., Domazet, M. (2006). Wikipedias: Collaborative web-based encyclopedias as complex networks, Physical Review E – Statistical Physics, Plasmas, Fluids, & Related Interdisciplinary Topics 74, 2006; art. no. 016115.
(iv) Poglavlja u uredničkim knjigama
- Brajdić Vuković, M. & Domazet, M. (2022) Anthropocene, u Pellizzoni, L., Leonardi, E. & Asara, V. (ur.) Handbook of Critical Environmental Politics. Cheltenham, UK ; Northampton, MA, Edward Elgar Publishing, Inc., 91-103.
- Bednar-Friedl, B. i dr. (2022). Europe. U H.-O. Pörtner i dr. Climate Change 2022: Impacts, Adaptation, and Vulnerability. Contribution of Working Group II to the Sixth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Cambridge, UK, Cambridge University Press, 1817-1927.
- Medak, T., Domazet, M. & Rilović, A. (2020) Degrowth, u Goldstein, M. & DellaSala, D. (ur.) Encyclopedia of the World’s Biomes. New York, Elsevier, 287-295.
- Domazet, M., Rilović, A., Ančić, B., Andersen, B., Richardson, L., Brajdić Vuković, M., Pungas, L. & Medak, T. (2020) Mental Models of Sustainability: The Degrowth Doughnut Model, u Goldstein, M. & DellaSala, D. (ur.) Encyclopedia of the World’s Biomes. New York, Elsevier, 276-286.
- Domazet, M. & Ančić, B. (2017) “How Far for the Money? Affluence and Democratic Degrowth Potential in Europe.” U: A. Telesiene and M. Gross. (ur.) Green European: Environmental Behaviour and Attitudes in Europe in a Historical and Cross-Cultural Comparative Perspective, London-New York: Routledge, 157-81.
- Domazet, M. & Marinović Jerolimov, D. (2014) Sustainability on the semi-periphery: an impossible topic in a non-existent place, u Domazet, M. & Marinović Jerolimov, D. (ur.) Sustainability Perspectives from the European Semi-periphery. Zagreb, Institut za društvena istraživanja u Zagrebu ; Heinrich Boell Stiftung Hrvatska, 19-49.
- Domazet, M. & Ančić, B. (2014) Environmental Sustainability and Education: The Case of Croatia and Slovenia.”, u Domazet, M. & Marinović Jerolimov, D. (ur.) Sustainability Perspectives from the European Semi-periphery. Zagreb, Institut za društvena istraživanja u Zagrebu ; Heinrich Boell Stiftung Hrvatska, 327–44.
- Dolenec, D., Domazet, M.; Ančić, B.. (2014) Why Power Is Not a Peripheral Concern: Exploring the Relationship between Inequality and Sustainability, u Domazet, M. & Marinović Jerolimov, D. (ur.) Sustainability Perspectives from the European Semi-periphery. Zagreb, Institut za društvena istraživanja u Zagrebu ; Heinrich Boell Stiftung Hrvatska, 173-94.
- Domazet, M., Ančić, B.; Brajdić Vuković, M. (2014) Prosperity and Environmental Sacrifice in Europe: Importance of Income for Sustainability-Orientation, u Domazet, M. & Marinović Jerolimov, D. (ur.) Sustainability Perspectives from the European Semi-periphery. Zagreb, Institut za društvena istraživanja u Zagrebu ; Heinrich Boell Stiftung Hrvatska, 145-172.
- Domazet, M. (2012) ENjoinED learning: Cross-sectoral NGO Platform for Sustainability Education in a Group of Post-Communist Countries, u Pixel (ur.)The Future of Education: Conference Proceedings, 2, 307-311.
- Domazet, M. (2011). Poučimo ih da odlučuju : važnost građanskog (“državljanskog”) odgoja u sklopu razvoja prirodoznanstvene kompetentnosti hrvatskih učenika, u Afrić, V., Bakić-Tomić, L., Polšek, D. & Žažar, K. (ur.) Društvene pretpostavke društva znanja : zbornik radova. Zagreb: Filozofski fakultet ; Institut društvenih znanosti Ivo Pilar : Učiteljski fakultet, 159-172.
- Domazet, M. (2008). Philosophical Issues in Educational Transmission of Contemporary Scientific Knowledge, u S. Kaneva (ur.) Philosophy bridging civilizations and cultures – Universal, Regional, National Values in United Europe, Proceedings of the XXIV Varna International Philosophical School 01 – 03 June 2006, Sofija: IPR BAS, 287-297.
- Domazet, M. (2006.) Kvantna mehanika: znanje o kvantnom svijetu, u S. Arnautović i S. Kutleša (ur.), Filozofija i znanost(i), Filozofsko društvo Theoria, Sarajevo i Matica hrvatska – Odjel za filozofiju, Zagreb, 111-134.
- Domazet, M. (2006). Znanje i kurikulum, u B. Baranović (ur.): Nacionalni kurikulum za obvezno obrazovanje u Hrvatskoj – različite perspektive, Zagreb, IDIZ, 45-86.
(v) Stručni radovi
- Domazet, M. & Horvat, V. (2021). Europski zeleni plan nas ne smije vratiti na staro. Zagreb, FES.
- Domazet, M. & Medak, T. (2018). Povijest koja nam diše za vratom. U Malm. A. Fosilni kapital. Zaprešić, Fraktura.
- Domazet, M. (2018). Degrowth – A Sober Vision of Limiting Warming to 1.5⁰C. U Heinrich Böll Stiftung (ed.) Radical Realism for Climate Justice: A Civil Society Response to the Challenge of Limiting Global Warming to 1.5°C. Berlin, Heinrich Böll-Stiftung.
- Domazet, M. & Dolenec, D. (2016). Odrast kao obnova utopijskih energija. U D’Alisa i dr. (ur.) Odrast: pojmovnik za novu eru. Zaprešić, Fraktura.
- Ančić, B. & Domazet, M. (2013) Trenutne cijene i radna mjesta ili zajednička budućnost?: nemogući izbor u Hrvatskoj 2013. godine. Zagreb, DOOR.
- Doolan, K., Dolenec, D. & Domazet, M. (2013). The Croatian Student Financial Support System in a European Context: A Comparative Study. Zagreb, Institut za razvoj obrazovanja.
- Višestruke natuknice. U S. Kutlešai dr. (2012). Filozofski leksikon. Zagreb, LZMK.
- Domazet, M., Dolenec, D. & Ančić, B. (2012). Analiza potencijala Hrvatske za OR: Sažetak glavnih nalaza studije. Gospodarstvo i održivost.
- Ančić, B., Domazet, M. & Dorotić, J. (2011). Razvoj indikatora opće i osobne dobrobiti za participativno strateško planiranje u kontekstu strategije Europa 2020 – studija slučaja za Hrvatsku. Zagreb, NEPC.
- Doolan, K., Dolenec, D. & Domazet, M. (2011). The Croatian Higher Education Funding System in a European Context: A Comparative Study. Institut za razvoj obrazovanja, Zagreb.
- Dolenec, D. & Domazet, M. (2010). Kopenhagen, Elinor Ostrom i prepreke globalnoj suradnji. Političke Analize 1/1, 35-38.
- Bedalov, A. & Domazet, M. (2007). The Sky as a Gift, u Sporea, D. (ur.) Science Education in Schools. Bukurešt, Centre for Science Education and Training.
- Domazet, M. (2004). Bohrova filozofija i izmjene temelja fizikalnog jezika. Prolegomena, 3 (2), 135-149.
- Flego, G. i dr. (2003). Obrazovanje za rast i razvoj. Zagreb, Nacionalno Vijeće za Konkurentnost.
- Domazet, M. (2003). Timothy Williamson: Knowledge and its Limits. Croatian Journal of Philosophy, VII, 101-107.