Croatian Journal of Philosophy
The Croatian Journal of Philosophy is a peer-reviewed journal with a primary focus on original philosophical work in analytic philosophy. It was established in 2001 and has a particular strength in the philosophy of linguistics. The journal is published by Institute of Philosophy in Zagreb, in cooperation with publishing house Kruzak.
Editor: Nenad Miščević (University of Rijeka)
Advisory Editors: Tvrtko Jolić (Institute of Philosophy, Zagreb) and Dunja Jutronić (University of Rijeka)
Managing Editor: Viktor Ivanković (Institute of Philosophy, Zagreb)
Editorial Board: Elvio Baccarini (University of Rijeka), Carla Bagnoli (University of Modena), Boran Berčić (University of Rijeka), István M. Bodnár (Central European University), Vanda Božičević (Bergen Community College), Sergio Cremaschi (Milano), Michael Devitt (The City University of New York), Peter Gärdenfors (Lund University), János Kis (Central European University), Friderik Klampfer (University of Maribor), Željko Loparić (Sao Paolo), Miomir Matulović (University of Rijeka), Snježana Prijić-Samaržija (University of Rijeka), Igor Primorac (Melbourne), Howard Robinson (Central Europena University), Nenad Smokrović (University of Rijeka), Danilo Šuster (University of Maribor)
Croatian Journal of Philosophy is indexed in:
Arts & Humanities Citation Index
EBSCO Discover
Electronic Social and Science Citation Index (ESSCI)
Google Scholar
International Bibliography of Book Reviews of Scholarly Literature (IBR)
International Bibliography of Periodical Literature (IBZ)
MIAR: Matriz de Información para el Análisis de Revistas
Microsoft Academic
The Philosopher’s Index
ProQuest Summon
Publication Forum
WorldCat Local
Submission guidelines
All submissions should be sent by e-mail to
Submissions must be in English and formatted to be double-spaced with suitably wide margins, an A4 page size, and automatic page numbering. Articles are normally no longer than 8,000 words of main text including bibliography. The Journal will consider longer papers, but, once these limits are exceeded, authors should bear in mind the editorial policy that the acceptance bar raises with increasing length. Manuscripts should be compiled in the following order: cover page; title; abstract (not exceeding 200 words); keywords (3 to 6); main text; appendices (as appropriate); references.
All the authors of a paper should include their full names, affiliations, postal addresses, and email address on the cover page of the manuscript. If a paper is co-written, one author should be identified as the Corresponding Author. The cover page must be submitted as a separate document. All submitted manuscripts must be prepared for anonymous review, with revealing acknowledgements and self-identifying references removed.
Sources are cited in the text by the author’s last name, the publication date of the work cited, and a page number if needed, e.g. (Barber 2007: 324). Full details appear in the reference list in which the year of publication appears immediately after the author’s name:
Barber, A. 2007. “Linguistic Structure and the Brain.” Croatian Journal of Philosophy 21 (7): 317–341.
Williamson, T. 2013. Identity and Discrimination. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell.
The publication of a manuscript in the Croatian Journal of Philosophy is expected to follow standards of ethical behavior for all parties involved in the publishing process: authors, editors, and reviewers. The journal follows the principles of the Committee on Publication Ethics.