
The Embodied Mind and Intentional Act

Project Director dr. sc. Zdravko Radman

A shift from disembodied toward “embodied, embedded” (Haugeland) mind and cognition, that has been promoted within philosophy of mind and cognitive science in the past decades, has been a productive move toward a more adequate description of the mental; there are now reasons enough to recognize a yet more profound aspect of the mind, and that is its inextricable connection to the world, in the way that enables us to claim that the two are mutually co-constituted. “Enworldment” is a proposed concept to account for the world as a dimension of the mind, and also as an element that adds to a more encompassing understanding of intentionality. A way to deal with “enworldment” will be to put embodiment and action in the forefront. Perception and language, as well as intentional bond to the world, will be analyzed under the matrix of action (Handlung). An attempt will be made to develop a notion of subject’s participatory “being- in-the-world” for which background knowledge is of crucial importance.

Project assistants:
Zdravko Radman
Dario Škarica
Martina Žeželj

Croatian scientific bibliography