Dr. Marie-Élise Zovko / bibliography


Heideggerovo i Plotinovo Poimanje Vremena. Zagreb: Filozofska Istraživanja 1991.
Natur und Gott: Das wirkungsgeschichtliche Verhältnis Schellings und Baaders. Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann 1996.

reviewed in:
Franz, Albert. Marie-Elise Zovko. Natur und Gott. Das wirkungsgeschichtliche Verhältnis Schellings und Baaders, Würzburg 1996, S. 323. Theologische Revue 94/1998, Heft 6, S. 696-698.
Bondeli, Martin. “Wirkliche, göttliche und naturwissenschftliche Natur. Neue Literatur zur Naturphilosophie des deutschen Idealismus”. Freiburger Zeitschrift für Philosophie und Theologie. Bd. 45, 1998, Heft 3, 537-459.
Pöggeler, Otto. “Idealismus und Romantik. Bemerkungen zu Ernst Behler und Marie-Elise Zovko.” U: Hegel-Studien 34 (1999) 135-157.
Schreier, Josef. “Schelling als Religionsphilosoph. Zu einigen Neuerscheinungen über Schellings Spätphilosophie.” U: Philosophischer Literaturanzeiger 52/2 (April-Juni 1999), 187-201.
Tilliette, Xavier. “Compte Rendus: Marie-Élise Zovko. Natur und Gott: Das wirkungsgeschichtliche Verhältnis Schellings und Baaders“. Epistemata, Philosophie Bd. 201. Königshausen & Neumann, Würzburg, 1996, 324 p.” U: Archives de Philosophie 61/1 (janvier-mars 1998), 61.

Anthologies / Proceedings

Dillon, John and Marie-Élise Zovko, eds. Platonism and Forms of Intelligence. Introduction by Marie-Élise Zovko. Berlin: Akademie Verlag 2008.
Dillon, John and Marie-Élise Zovko, eds. Bildung and paideia. Philosophical Models of Education. Proceedings of the Intl. Symposium, Hvar 2013. Educational Philosophy and Theory. Journal of the Philosophy of Education Society of Australasia. Abingdon: Routledge, Taylor & Francis, 2018  (Special double issue, Vol. 50, Issue 6 & 7).
Dillon, John and Marie-Élise Zovko, eds. Bildung and Paideia. Philosophical Models of Education. Routledge 2020 ISBN 9780367467166.

Articles / Book Chapters

“Plotinovo učenje o duši.” In: Filozofska istraživanja 38/39 (1990), 1461-1473.
“Zeit als Rettungsanstalt: Die Zeittheorie Franz von Baaders.” Synthesis Philosophica 12, (1991): 485-493.
“Zur Diskussion: Gottesbegriff und Geschichtsphilosophie in der Sicht Schellings, von Wilhelm G. Jacobs.” Studia Hermeneutica 1/1 (1995): 117-130.
“Religious Ontology and Ontology of Religion in the Later Philosophy of F.W.J. Schelling and Fr. v. Baader”, in: Archivio di Filosofia (Proceedings of the International Enrico-Castelli Colloquium) 1996: 683-699.
“The Renaissance of Jacob Böhme in German Romantic Philosophy: Franz von Baader’s ‘Natural Philosophy of Christianity,'” in: Studia Hermeneutica 2, (1996): 115-135.
“Die Spätphilosophie Schellings und die Kehre im Denken Martin Heideggers.” Jahrbuch für Philosophie des Instituts für Philosophie Hannover, Band 10 (1999) ISBN 3-85165-333-5, ISSN 1022-3274: 135-173.
“The Open-Ended Universe: Liberating Time.” Studia hermeneutica 4 (1998): 133-169.
“Hegel und die Grenzen der Dialektik.” Hegel Jahrbuch (2001): 53-61.
“Plato’s Heracliteanism Reconsidered.” Dionysius, 20 (2002): 23-50.
“Die Analogie des Lebens und der Erkenntnis: Franz von Baader und das neue Denken der Naturwissenschaft,” Aufgang. Jahrbuch für Denken, Dichten und Musik, Stuttgart-Berlin-Köln: Kohlhammer 1 (2004).
“Bologna and Beyond: A Critical Reflection on the Ends and Means of the Bologna Process,” Fortschritt? Studia Philosophica Iaderensia. Hrsg. v. Andreas Arndt und Jure Zovko (Hannover: Wehrhahn 2011); 195-232.
Zovko, Jure; Zovko, Marie-Élise. “The Aura of the Work of Art in Benjamin’s Philosophy” Identität? Hermeneutische Erkundungen / Hufnagel, Erwin ; Zovko, Jure (ur.). Berlin: Parerga, 2008. 145-156.
“Platonism and Forms of Intelligence. Proceedings of the International Symposium, Hvar, 2006.” In: Platonism and Forms of Intelligence. Ed. Marie-Élise Zovko, John Dillon. Berlin: Akademie Verlag, 2008: 11-22.
“The Way Up and the Way Back are the Same. The Ascent of Cognition in Plato’s Analogies of the Sun, the Line and the Cave and the Path Intelligence Takes,” in: Platonism and Forms of Intelligence. Berlin: Akademie Verlag, 2008: 313-341.
“Der systematische Zusammenhang der Philosophie in Kants Kritik der Urteilskraft. ‘Zweite Aufmerksamkeit’ und Analogie der ästhetischen und teleologischen Urteilskraft.” Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 58 (2010), 4: 629-645.
“Philosophy, philosophy instruction and philosophizing with Children in Croatia”, Joint Report to UNESCO, Marie-Élise Zovko, Institute of Philosophy, Zagreb/ Project Stohrenschule, and Bruno Ćurko, Institute of Philosophy, Zagreb / Petit philosophy (Mala filozofija)
“Bologna and Beyond: A Critical Reflection of the Ends and Means of the Bologna Process.” In Fortschritt? Studia philosophica Jaderensia 1. Eds. Andreas Arndt/Jure Zovko Hannover: Wehrhahn-Verlag, 2011: 195-232.
“The Metaphysical Character of Philosophy”. (book chapter) In Metaphysics. Ed. M. Pestana. Rijeka: InTech, 2012: 9-44 (http://www.intechopen.com/books/metaphysics/metaphysical-character-of-philosophy).
“Naturalism and Intellectualism in Plato and Spinoza”, in: Freiheit und Determinismus, ed. A. Arndt, J. Zovko (Erlangen: Wehrhahn 2012).
“Involved in humankind: Nature, virtue and the good we desire for ourselves and for others”, in: Knowledge Cultures 1(2), 2013 (Addleton Academic Publishers ISSN 2327-5731), 264-300.
“Involved in Humankind: Nature, Virtue and the Good We Desire for Ourselves and for Others.” In  Knowledge Cultures 1/2 (2013): 264-300. (Croatian: “Obuhvaćen u čovječanstvu: priroda, vrlina i dobro koje želimo sebi i drugima.” In Nasleđe Antike. Ogledi u Spomen Maji Hudoljetnjak Grgić. Eds. D. Pećnjak, P. Šegedin, K. Zakarija. Zagreb: KruZak, 2013: 163-199).
“Impassioned by Passion: Knowledge and Eros in Plato and Spinoza.” The Intl. Plato Society, Xth Symposium Platonicum: The Symposium. Pisa, 15th-20th July, 2013, Proceedings, Vol. II. M. Tulli, ed. Pisa: IPS/Università di Pisa Dipartimento di Filologia, Letteratura e Linguistica, 2013:106-122. Revised version: “Impassioned by Passion: Knowledge and Love in Plato and Spinoza.” Dionysius 32 (2014); 140-171.
“Understanding the Geometric Method: Hypothetical dialectic in Proclus, Abraham Cohen Herrera and Baruch d. Spinoza.” Proceedings of the Intl. Conference Archai: Proclus Diadochus of Constantinople and his Abrahamic interpreters. Istanbul, Dec. 12-16, 2012. Eds. D. Butorac, D. Layne (forthcoming 2015).
“Understanding the Geometric Method: Prolegomena to a Study of Procline Influences in Spinoza as Mediated by Abraham Cohen Herrera”. In: Proclus and his Legacy. Millennium Studies in the Culture and History of the First Millennium C.E. David D. Butorac, Danielle A. Layne, eds. Berlin/Boston: de Gruyter, 2017.
“Of Caves, Lines, and Sea Travels: Plato’s Syracusan Voyages and the Central Analogies of the Republic“. In:  H. Reid, D. Tanasi and S. Kimbell eds, Politics and Performance in Western Greece, Sioux City, IA:  Parnassos Press, 2017, 319-334.
“The idea and the ideal of humanity in the humanities”. In: Smisao humanističkih znanosti. Eds. Filip Grgić, Ivica Martinović. Zagreb: Institut za filozofiju, 2017; 47-70.
“Poetry and Play in Kant’s Critique of Judgment“. In: Akten des 12. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses „Natur und Freiheit“ in Wien, 21.-25. September 2015. Eds. Violetta L. Waibel and Margit Ruffing. Berlin, De Gruyter 2018.
“Worldly and Otherworldly Virtue: Likeness to God as Educational Ideal in Plato, Plotinus and Today”. In Educational Philosophy and Theory, November 2017. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/00131857.2017.1373340.
“Humanism vs. competency: Traditional and contemporary models of education, Educational Philosophy and Theory. Marie-Élise Zovko & John Dillon. Introduction to: Bildung and paideia. Philosophical Models of Education. Proceedings of the Intl. Symposium, Hvar 2013. Educational Philosophy and Theory. Journal of the Philosophy of Education Society of Australasia. Abingdon: Routledge, Taylor & Francis, 2018  (Special double issue, Vol. 50, Issue 6 & 7). DOI:10.1080/00131857.2017.1375757.
“Kant und Tolstoi über Freiheit und Geschichte” [“Kant and Tolstoy on Freedom and History”]. forthcoming in: Verwandlungen. Dichter als Leser Kants. Sammelband der Beiträge des gleichnamigen Kolloquiums vom 15.-17. Juli 2013, hrsg. von Violetta L. Waibel, Sarah C. Jakobsohn und Philipp Schaller, Göttingen (Vienna University Press voraussichtlich 2018).
“The Divine Poet: Mimesis and Homoiosis Theoi in Plato”. In: The Many Faces of Mimesis,  Selected Essays from the 2017 Symposium on the Hellenic Heritage of Western Greece (The Heritage of Western Greece Series, Book 3) Heather Reid & Jeremy DeLong (eds.) Parnassos Press, April 2018.
“Agon and Eros in Plato’s Symposium.” In Gymnastics, Athletics, and Agon in Plato. Eds. Heather Reid, Mark Ralkowski, and Coleen Zoller. Sioux City: Parnassos Press, 2020.
“Abfall von der Idea. Repercussions Of Baader’s Russian Expedition In Hegel’s Encyclopedia.” In Hegel-Jahrbuch 2020, Hegels enzyklopädisches System und sein Erbe. (II) Hrsg. v. A. Arndt, M. Gerhard, J. Zovko, B. Bowman. Berlin: Duncker & Humblot, 2020.
“Overcoming the Virus of Hate: Spinoza on Conversion of the Emotions”, ThinkKnow Magazine, Baruch Spinoza, July/August 2020.
“Spontaneities and Singularities: Kant’s Hypothetical Approach to the Supersensible and the Re-Foundation of Metaphysics,” Kantovskii Sbornik/ Kantian Journal, 2021, Vol. 40, Nr. 4: 76-120.
“Anne Conway, Herrera, and Spinoza on God and God’s Relation to Individual Beings,” The Reception of German Mysticism in Early Modern England, edited by Douglas Hedley, Torrance Kirby, and Daniel Tolan. Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2022.

Book review

“Ludwig Nagl, Das verhüllte Absolute. Essays zur zeitgenössigen Religionsphilosophie. Frankfurt: Peter Lang 2010.” In  Theologische Literaturzeitung 137 (2012):  474-477.


Beierwaltes, Werner. “Nous: Unity in Difference.” Trans. M. E. Zovko. In Platonism and Forms of Intelligence. Berlin: Akademie Verlag, 2008: 231-245.
Erler, Michael. “Mania and Knowledge. From the Sting of the Gods to Socrates as Educational Gadfly”. Bildung and paideia. Philosophical Models of Education. Eds. Marie-Élise Zovko, John Dillon. Educational Philosophy and Theory. Journal of the Philosophy of Education Society of Australasia. Abingdon: Routledge, Taylor & Francis, 2018.
Gavran, Miro. Nora in Our Time. Trans. M.E. Zovko. In Kazalište (21/22) 2005; ITI, Zagreb; and Gavran, Miro. Plays. Zagreb: ITG, 2007.
Horn, Christoph. “Werner Jaeger’s Paideia and his ‘Third Humanism'”. Trans. M. E. Zovko Bildung and paideia. Philosophical Models of Education. Eds. Marie-Élise Zovko, John Dillon. Educational Philosophy and Theory. Journal of the Philosophy of Education Society of Australasia. Abingdon: Routledge, Taylor & Francis, 2018.
Waibel, Violetta. “Hölderlins Idea of ‘Bildungstrieb’– A Model from Yesteryear”. Trans. M. E. Zovko Bildung and paideia. Philosophical Models of Education. Eds. Marie-Élise Zovko, John Dillon. Educational Philosophy and Theory. Journal of the Philosophy of Education Society of Australasia. Abingdon: Routledge, Taylor & Francis, 2018.
Zovko, Jure. “Hegel’s Concept of Education from the Point of View of his Idea of ‘Second Nature'”. Trans. M. E. Zovko. Bildung and paideia. Philosophical Models of Education. Eds. Marie-Élise Zovko, John Dillon. Educational Philosophy and Theory. Journal of the Philosophy of Education Society of Australasia. Abingdon: Routledge, Taylor & Francis, 2018.

Works in progress

“The Ancient Greeks on the Croatian Adriatic”, transl. of: M. Zaninović, “Antički grci na hrvatskoj obali”, Arheološki radovi i rasprave. Hrvatska akademija znanosti i umjetnosti. Razred za društvene znanosti 14 (2004): 1-57.
Commentary on Plotinus’ Ennead V 3, On the Knowing Hypostases and That Which is Beyond for the series: Commentaries On The Enneads Of Plotinus, edited by John M. Dillon and Andrew Smith, Parmenides 2022.
Spinoza and the Conversion of Early Modern Thought (book)
Dillon, John and Marie-Élise Zovko, eds. Tourism and Culture in Philosophical Perspective.  Springer 2022.

Projects and Initiatives

Croatian-American Theatre Project – Hvar Theatre Project, Hvar 2006 (director). Sponsored by: American Embassy in Zagreb, Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Croatia. In cooperation with: Rockville Little Theatre (Rockville, U.S.A.), Hvar Theatre, Hvar Heritage Museum, City of Hvar, City of Jelsa, Stari Grad Cultural Centre.
International Symposium of the Institute of Philosophy: Platonism and Forms of Intelligence, Hvar 2006 (chair, organizing committee). Under the official patronage of the President of the Republic of Croatia, Stipe Mesić, the Croatian Committee for UNESCO, and the City of Hvar. In cooperation with the Croatian Hegel Society, Plato-Society of Croatia, Studia Croatica/ University of Zagreb, Society for the Advancement of Philosophy/Zagreb, Matica Hrvatska, Hvar Heritage Museum. Sponsored by: Istituto italiano di Cultura, Zagreb; Royal Netherlands Embassy, Zagreb
Stohrenschule Project: Philosophical and pedagogical Dialogues on Virtue, Beauty and Happiness, (a project on philosophizing with children), 2007– present . Directed by: Renate Kroschel (Münstertal/Freiburg i. Br.), Marie-Élise Zovko (Zagreb): In cooperation with: Stohrenschule (Münstertal), Deutsche-internationale-Schule, and others.
DAAD Studienreise (organizer and director): “Wissen, Glauben und aesthetisches Urteilsvermögen im deutschen Idealismus und in der nachidealistischen Gesellschaftstheorie Adornos”, (“Knowledge, Belief, and Aesthetic Judgment in German Idealism and in Adorno’s Postidealist Social Theory”), 12-day study visit to Münster and Berlin, in cooperation with the University of Münster and the Free University of Berlin, with participation graduate students from the University of Zagreb, October 18-30, 2009.
Zagreb New School of Philosophical Discourse (founder and director, since 2008)
2014-2015, Director, with Violetta Waibel (University of Vienna), Bilateral Research Project under the 6th cycle of Croatian-Austrian Scientific and technical cooperation between the government of the Republic of Croatia and the Federal government of the Republic of Austria: “Cultivation and transformation of judgment in the encounter of philosophy, culture and art, with particular reference to the philosophy of Kant and Hegel”


Since 1993, academic lecturer and mentor; since 2008 adjunct professor for History of Philosophy: Department of Philosophy, Studia Croatica, University of Zagreb.

Courses taught (undergraduate and graduate, in Croatian, English and German):

Introduction to Greek Philosophy (Presocratics, Plato, Aristotle)
Introduction to Modern Philosophy (Renaissance, Rationalism, Empiricism, Kant)
Spinoza; Spinoza and German Idealism”
Kant and British Empiricism (English and German)
Mind & Brain
Emotions and Intellect in Spinoza
Freedom and Causality (graduate)
Critical Philosophy and the Ends of Knowledge, Morality and Art: Kant’s Critiques and the Project of Philosophy (graduate)
Kant and German Idealism (Kant, Fichte, Schelling, Hegel)
Kant and the Problem of Metaphysics
Idealism and Phenomenology (German Idealism and Romantic, Heidegger)
Platonism and Idealism (Plato, Middle Platonism, Plotinus, Neoplatonism, Renaissance Platonism, influence of Platonism on German Idealism and Romanticism)
Ancient Greek Philosophy (seminar, Plato, Aristotle, selected topics, such as: “The Controversy Regarding Plato’s ‘Unwritten Doctrines'”)
Platonism on Being and Mind
Dialectic from Platonism to Idealism
Justice from Plato to Rawls
Nature and Knowledge from Cusanus to Kant
Ancient Greek for Students of Philosophy
Principles of Metaphysics (graduate)