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Dr. Boris Kožnjak

Senior Scientific Associate


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 Eksperiment i filozofija

Eksperiment i filozofija: eksperimentalna metoda između ontologije i tehnologije, epistemologije i ideologije, Kruzak, Zagreb 2013 (in Croatian)

Godišnjak za filozofiju. Uloga i mjesto filozofije u suvremenom društvu, Institut za filozofiju, Zagreb 2018 (in Croatian, editorial book)

Articles in English/German (selection)

"Waterfals, societies, and temperaments - fragmentation and wholeness in the lives and work of David Bohm and Georg Wilhem Friedrich Hegel", Synthesis Philosophica  37/1 (2022) 89-128

"God and Boscovich's Demon", The European Legacy: Toward New Paradigms 27/1 (2022) 39-56.

"Toward a poietical realism about quantum mechanics", in: E. Agazzi, F. Minazzi, J. Zovko (eds.), Science and Interpretation, Mimesis, Centro Internazionale Insubrico 2021, pp. 163-184.

"Aristotle and Quantum Mechanics: Potentiality and Actuality, Spontaneous Events and Final Causes", Journal for General Philosophy of Science 51 (2020) 459-480.

"Bošković, Rugjer Josip", in: D. Jalobeanu & Charles T. Wolfe (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Early Modern Philosophy and the Sciences, Springer, Cham 2019.

„The earliest missionaries of 'quantum free will': a socio-historical analysis“, in F. Grgić & D. Pećnjak (eds.), Free Will & Action: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives, Springer Nature, Cham 2018, pp. 131-154.

"The missing history of Bohm’s hidden variables theory: the Ninth Symposium of the Colston Research Society, Bristol, 1957", Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 62 (2018) 85-97

"Kuhn meets Maslow: the psychology behind scientific revolutions", Journal for General Philosophy of Science 48 (2017) 257 - 287. 

"Who let the demon out? Laplace and Boscovich on determinism", Studies in History and Philosophy of Science 51 (2015) 42–52.

"Can there be a 'scientific worldview'? A critical note", Philosophy and Society 24 (2013) 19-29.

"Was Aristotle an exponent of antiscientific mumbo-jumbo?", Physics Education 47 (2012) 545-550.

"Möglichkeit, Wirklichkeit und Quantenmechanik", Prolegomena 6 (2007), 223-252.

Articles in Croatian (selection)

"Znanstvena i filozofska ortodoksija i heterodoksija liječnika dr. Karla Marchesija (I): spiritizam i spiritistički pokret", Prilozi za istraživanje hrvatske filozofske baštine, 47/ 1 (93) (2021) 47-88

"O predavanju Maxa Plancka u Zagrebu, 15. rujna 1942.", u Prilozi za istraživanje hrvatske filozofske baštine 45/1(89) (2019) 183–223

"Filozofija kao životopis i životopis filozofije", u: B. Kožnjak (ur.), Godišnjak za filozofiju: Uloga i mjesto filozofije u suvremenom društvu, Institut za filozofiju, Zagreb 2018, str. 67-88

"Filozofski rad Lazara Hellenbacha", Prilozi za istraživanje hrvatske filozofske baštine 43/1(85) (2017) 49-88


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